Optimize Your Workforce

Get Workforce Management Solutions that Work.

Why CareWare?

We are recognized as an Industry Leader in several categories.

User Friendliness

CareWare was rated #1 in Usability in tests conducted by the California Department of State Hospitals.

System Capability

CareWare was rated #1 in Capability in tests conducted by the American Hospital Association.

Customer Support

CareWare has demonstrated clear supremacy in Customer Service and Support over all large players, based on 800 surveys conducted over 3 years.

Why CareSystems?

Our advanced algorithms have been proven across industries

We eliminate bottlenecks and streamline work

We tailor our systems and processes to match your requirements

We guarantee ROI in less than two years

Our change management expertise ensures complete end-user adoption

We are committed to rapid deployment

Industries we Serve

Our products have proven efficiency & efficacy across a diverse range of  Sectors


What Our Clients Say About Us.

“We are a 450 bed acute care hospital. We selected CareWare over one of the more established companies in 2006. It is, in retrospect, a great decision. Both CareWare and its customer support has been exemplary. CareWare and its related modules are fast becoming the nerve center of Nursing Management at Good Shepherd.”


Ron Short

Director of Nursing & Rehabilitative Services

“Over a single week, their staff interviewed, conducted group meetings, and quickly came up with a detailed specifications list that we were able to approve. We had many unique needs as well as extremely complex pay rules, but they got things going in under 6 months, and reduced our payroll errors to zero and hours of time keepers by 480 per month.”


Roger Smith

CIO, Strafford County NH

“We selected CareWare over the incumbent and much larger vendor since they were committed to serving our special needs, and had succeeded above expectations at the Missouri Department of Mental Health and addressed the common interfacing challenges with our SAMII HR and Payroll Systems. They exceeded our expectations as they had done elsewhere in the State two years ago.”

Terry McAdams

Director of Personnel, Missouri Veterans’ Commission

Enhance your Productivity.Today.

Care Systems, Inc. 12 S Summit Avenue,
Suite 325, Gaithersburg, MD 20877


+1 (240) 404 0355