Missouri Department of Health

Mental Health

Nurses, Physicians, Administrative and Supportive Staff

Jefferson City, Missouri, USA


The Missouri Department of Mental Health (DMH) was first established as a cabinet-level state agency in 1974.The three principal missions for DMH are (1) the prevention of mental disorders, developmental disabilities, substance abuse, and compulsive gambling; (2) the treatment, habilitation, and rehabilitation of Missourians who have those conditions; and (3) the improvement of public understanding and attitudes about mental disorders, developmental disabilities, substance abuse, and compulsive gambling. Missouri Department of Mental Health is a multi-facility environment which runs seven state wide facilities. The seven state-operated psychiatric facilities include inpatient psychiatric care for adult and children, as well as sex offender rehabilitation and treatment services and have about 4,500 full-time and part time staff.

“In a very complex scheduling environment, CareWare simplifies and standardizes the scheduling practices for different facilities while increasing the transparency and reporting for executive management.”
Project Manager

Missouri Department of Mentol Health

Care Systems provides two modules of its CareWare suite (CareStaffer and CareTime) to meet Missouri DMH’s requirements associated with automated staff scheduling and Time & Attendance system. In 2014 CareWare went live at the Missouri DMH and after a successful launch, the state awarded a 3-year extension for CareWare. By implementing CareWare, the Missouri DMH eliminated staff scheduling manual processes, automated the payroll process, minimized the number of paycheck errors, and reduced absenteeism levels. Care Systems was also able to accomplish several business requirements which were not included in the RFP to support the Missouri DMH’s business needs. For example, CareWare automated the DMH-13 exception form, eliminating the need for paper at all seven facilities and created a data repository within CareWare where managers could access previous years of historical punch records. Care Systems demonstrated CareWare’s integration capability by building an outbound HR interface and Inbound Payroll interface with the State of Missouri’s integrated financial, HR and payroll system (SAM II). The SAM II system incorporated various administrative functions including human resources and payroll processing for all state departments and agencies in state of Missouri.